About the Site

About me
My name is.. well.. strange and hard to pronounce, but online I generally go by the name "Crystalhawk". For you who are curious the name is derrived from my love of all things fowl as well as my fondness of winter (Snow > ice crystals > Crystal). Let it be known, though, that I have no predjudice against any other season.. except summer, bloody mosquitos...

I do a wide variety of entertaiment-based material and this is the first one I've actually published online, so please enjoy.

For my other projects and sites, head over to crystalhawk.org

About the site
This site has three primary objectives;

  1. To give me a chance to evolve as an artist. A comic forces you to draw all kinds of objects in various poses and from various angles.
  2. To establish more of an internet presence. When I get to publishing even better stuff I'd like to have an audience there for it
  3. To tell a story. Of course I'm also doing this for the purpose of telling a story in comic form, otherwise it'd never work, would it now?

I hope that I'll be able to accomplish this during the course of this comic, or at least get a bit of the way.